...that's what I was told when Jossy told me we were spending the day together for his last day of holidays. This was followed by a list of 'what to bring' and the promise that it would be something I would enjoy.
First stop was the beach! It was a perfect sunny day to be relaxing on the beach. Pretty sure reading was intended but we both felt too lazy to bother, instead taking in the lovely sun!
Next stop, Montville. For fear of being much too organised, it was decided that we would ask the locals the best place for a picnic. So after casually wandering the main street of cute little craft and coffee shops, we headed to Kondalilla National Park. Conveniently, there was a perfectly sized rock at the base of a waterfall, what a view!
Being his amazingly organised self, Jossy had packed a lovely picnic lunch which we enjoyed in the peacefulness of the park. Eating, chatting and just a little joking around, such a fun time!
Being cupcake Friday, we thought it fitting to get cupcakes to finish the day. On the way up we'd seen a stop with an amazing view, so it was back to there for cupcakes up a tree (just because we could!) before the trip home simply enjoying each other's company.
It was such a lovely day, with an amazing guy!