have a new puppy! His name is Marley, and in our books, he's ridiculously cute!
There’s much to tell about him, but first I want to tell you
a bit about Skittles, my other ‘puppy’ - Skittles.
has always been my baby, my puppy. Even now, after 6 years, I still call him
puppy! To me Skittles is still immature, loved to race around, quite clumsy,
the usual puppy stuff. Having Marley around though has made me realise how much
Skittles has actually grown up, without me realising. He knows how little
Marley is and is so gentle with him. Marley’s favourite game is to follow
Skittles around until he sits down, then paw him in the face and bite him.
Skittles just takes it! He plays back, and is forceful, but not rough by any
means. He actually deals better with Marley biting him than I do! Sharing has
never been Skittles strong point, but he will now give up his blanket or ball
if Marley comes over to play, very surprising!
for Marley. He’s our 6 week old Border Collie x Lab (we think), and was saved
from an owner who was going to go to awful lengths to get rid of a litter of
puppies. Ironically he was born on our wedding day! Being the runt of his
litter you’d expect a slightly smaller and fragile little pup – not the case!
He’s full of beans, and ridiculously friendly. For his size he is very strong,
clinging on to objects Skittles drags around the yard. After spending his first
day with us in a car, we went straight to putting him outside with his new brother.
He adjusted very quickly, and whilst he still cries on the odd occasion, we can
easily leave him outside for the day – under Skittles supervision!
Here are a few pics of the two playing.
If you look closely, you can see Skittles paw over Marley - he likes to make sure he's still boss!
Sharing is caring!
Still the boss!
Our little family :)
in all Marley has settled in well, and I’m pretty proud of Skittles for the way
he’s dealt with it. When we open the back door they now both come running, and
are always eager to play. Getting another dog was definitely one of the best
ideas we’ve had!