Monday, 24 February 2014

Brisbane Weekends

The last two weekends we have headed back to Brisbane for various events. Our weekends somehow end up being jam packed, we definitely make the most of the time we have!

Our time has been spent with the following: A baby shower for the lovely Mrs Rossiter.

Touch training sessions (and shopping for new boots - Bundy aren't very good for certain shopping things!).

Engagement parties for the besties!

Coffee dates at quirky West End cafes. This of course involves much people watching!

Sushi dates - we're thinking this is going to become a regular occurrence right before we drive back to Bundy. A perfect way to fill us up for the drive home!

So our weekend consists of a lot of eating. These photos don't even include the mass of food we seem to eat when visiting our families! As enjoyable as our weekends have been, I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend at home. We will of course miss the country views we get along the way.

My best friend's getting married!

As mentioned in a previous post, my best friend is engaged! Nathan proposed to Sam on their cruise at the end of last year, and last weekend we had the privilege of joining them for their engagement party at Hotel LA. A very relaxed night of chatting, drinking, and for Jossy and I, catching up with friend's who we no longer see because we're out of town. 

So let me introduce you to my best friend, my maid of honour, and the person who is almost always first in my list of recent text messages!

And her fiance, who also happens to be my husband's best friend, best man, and chief x-box buddy haha.

These guys are absolutely awesome! They're chilled, fun loving, and the type of people you could sit around hanging out with for hours. So glad they have chosen to spend the rest of their lives together, and that we get to witness their love and care for each other whenever we're around.

Sam is also the girl who makes me a little crazy at times, unfortunately our partners have to put up with this...

We had a great night catching up with Brisbane friends and celebrating with Sam and Nathan - well worth the treck from Bundy! It was also a great excuse to dress up :P

Friday, 7 February 2014

Our Little Family

We have a new puppy! His name is Marley, and in our books, he's ridiculously cute! 

There’s much to tell about him, but first I want to tell you a bit about Skittles, my other ‘puppy’ - Skittles.

Skittles has always been my baby, my puppy. Even now, after 6 years, I still call him puppy! To me Skittles is still immature, loved to race around, quite clumsy, the usual puppy stuff. Having Marley around though has made me realise how much Skittles has actually grown up, without me realising. He knows how little Marley is and is so gentle with him. Marley’s favourite game is to follow Skittles around until he sits down, then paw him in the face and bite him. Skittles just takes it! He plays back, and is forceful, but not rough by any means. He actually deals better with Marley biting him than I do! Sharing has never been Skittles strong point, but he will now give up his blanket or ball if Marley comes over to play, very surprising!

Now for Marley. He’s our 6 week old Border Collie x Lab (we think), and was saved from an owner who was going to go to awful lengths to get rid of a litter of puppies. Ironically he was born on our wedding day! Being the runt of his litter you’d expect a slightly smaller and fragile little pup – not the case! He’s full of beans, and ridiculously friendly. For his size he is very strong, clinging on to objects Skittles drags around the yard. After spending his first day with us in a car, we went straight to putting him outside with his new brother. He adjusted very quickly, and whilst he still cries on the odd occasion, we can easily leave him outside for the day – under Skittles supervision!

Here are a few pics of the two playing. 
If you look closely, you can see Skittles paw over Marley - he likes to make sure he's still boss!

Sharing is caring!

Still the boss!

Our little family :)

All in all Marley has settled in well, and I’m pretty proud of Skittles for the way he’s dealt with it. When we open the back door they now both come running, and are always eager to play. Getting another dog was definitely one of the best ideas we’ve had!

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Only in Bundy

Being a different town, Bundaberg definitely has some different ways. So far there have been just a few moments when we have said 'only in Bundy' however I get the feeling we will have more! On one of our first days here, Jossy and Nathan saw someone drive straight through a wire fence to get into their front yard - apparently getting out to open the gate was too much effort. 

On Saturday night we ventured out to the movies for yet another 'only in Bundy' moment. Bundy cinemas include:
- No previews at all, straight to the movie
- Tiny cinemas (we had to sit separately as there were no seats together)
- The front row is literally 1m from the screen
- Tickets are expensive!!! Add to that the cost we will now have to pay for a chiropractor after sitting in the front row and it becomes a very expensive trip!

I wouldn't recommend seeing movies here however it was an interesting experience nonetheless. 

Saturday, 1 February 2014


Bundaberg, or Bundy as the locals call it, is a smallish town (to someone from Brisbane anyway) of 100,000 people. 

'The area lays claim to the internationally renowned Southern Great Barrier Reef, Mon Repos Turtle Rookery, Bundaberg Rum, and the famous aviator Bert Hinkler.' - Taken from Bundaberg Government Website

After moving here for Jossy's final year of medicine, we are beginning to settle in nicely. Whilst actually finding a house was very painful with unhelpful real estate agents, the house we ended up with is absolutely fantastic. We are living just 10 minutes from the beach, and 5 minutes from town. Traffic definitely isn't an issue here, our biggest dilemma is deciding whether to drive to the shops 5 minutes away or the better ones on the other side of town (10 minutes away) - a very hard life! Contrary to my initial opinion, we are really loving Bundy. It has a laid back and friendly lifestyle that really appeals to me. I enjoy the quietness and community feel it has.

We haven't yet done much sight seeing, but we have spent plenty of time at the beach. Sunset is my favourite time of day to be at the beach, and Jossy's too given that means he doesn't get sunburnt!

Despite the beauty of beach sunsets, we do occasionally venture down earlier to refresh ourselves after the few hot days we've had here. 

On the odd occasion the beach is ordinary we take the opportunity to skim some rocks!

Unfortunately the beach still isn't doing much for Jossy's tan :P

We are looking forward to many more adventures up here exploring our new town!